Bristol activities are starting!

By Sarah Bell and Rebecca Yeo

We’re excited to be starting our fieldwork in Bristol this year!

Through a range of different activities in the city, we will be exploring how to ensure that responses to the climate crisis help to build fairer communities that take into account the priorities and insights of disabled people.

If you live in Bristol and identify as Disabled, d/Deaf or Neurodivergent, or as someone with lived experience of a long-term health condition, we would love to hear from you.

It would be really helpful to understand more about:

  • Disabled people’s experiences of – and responses to – the climate crisis, at home and in the community;

  • Your thoughts about the barriers and opportunities that influence the inclusion of Disabled people and Disabled people’s priorities in climate action.

In Sensing Climate, we’re interested in all the different ways that the climate crisis touches day-to-day life, and how social and political climate responses could create fairer communities.

There are lots of different ways of taking part in the project, for example:

Meet us for lunch and a chat in April - you can drop by to meet us at Easton Community Centre on 14th April to hear more about the project and talk about your priorities for action around disability and climate change.

Join one or more creative writing workshops. These will be run online over Zoom with Tanvi. You don’t need to be good at writing to come along.

  • You can join the first workshop on 23rd or 24th May.

  • You can join the second workshop on 18th or 19th July.

  • You can join the third workshop on 5th or 6th September.

Take part in a 1:1 interview with Sarah or Rebecca to talk more about your climate experiences. This can be in person or online at a time that suits you.

Help to make a big community mural to share your messages about disability and the climate crisis. You don’t need to be good at drawing or painting to come along. You can join one or more of the mural design workshops, which will take place on:

  • Wednesday 17th April, 4pm - 6pm, St Paul’s Learning Centre

  • Thursday 2nd May, 1.30pm - 3.30pm, St Paul’s Learning Centre

  • Monday 13th May, 10am - 12noon, Knowle West Media Centre

  • Sunday 19th May, 10.30am - 12.30pm, Easton Community Centre

  • We’re also very happy to organise an online session - do just get in touch if this would be of interest.

We hope to celebrate the opening of the mural on 9th June from 2-4pm at Easton Community Centre, weather permitting!

You do not have to take part in all or any of these events but if you would like more information about any of them, or an initial chat about the project and what it involves, it would be great to hear from you.

We can also share the project information in other formats if this would be helpful.

All events are for d/Deaf, Disabled and/or Neurodivergent people living in or near Bristol.

Expenses will be paid.

Please let us know your access needs and to reserve your space for any of these events or activities by emailing Rebecca ( or Sarah (


Reflecting on eco-ableism


We’ve started!